The IEEE Life Members Evolution Conference will take place in Boston, MA, from 11 – 13 June, 2025.
Open to all interested technology enthusiasts, this conference will bring together technology professionals from across the globe to explore emerging technologies and how these new technologies impact seniors in the population.
Why Attend?
With experts from a wide range of technology fields and accomplished IEEE professionals, this conference will provide ample opportunities to:
- Explore new ideas: Learn more about new and emerging technologies in selected IEEE fields of interest.
- Boost your network: Meet technical professionals and experts from around the world and exchange views on shared challenges.
- Acquire the latest industry knowledge: Meet the corporations and engineers responsible for creating new and innovative consumer products directed at aging populations and the Life member audience.
- Get to know IEEE better: Learn more about IEEE volunteer operations and resources
- Have fun and travel. Boston makes history. The spark that fueled the fight for American independence burns just as brightly today and inspires our food, beer, and culture.
Bank Transfers
If you are paying by credit card, please register directly online through the registration portal.
We strongly advise participants to personally check entry and visa requirements before making travel arrangements, as there might be country-specific conditions that you are not aware of. For the most accurate information, please contact the embassy/consulate of the country where the conference will be held, in your home country.