Save the date for 2025:  June 11 – 13, 2025
Tufts University – Boston

IEEE Life Members Conference

Evolution: Technology, Applications, and Contributions

Austin, Texas, USA | 14 – 16 April 2024

Learning never stops:  Join us for a three-day event specially curated
for technology influencers, innovators, and pioneers of all ages.

Thank you for a successful Life Members Conference

The 2024 IEEE Life Members Conference served as a platform for fostering collaboration, innovation, and knowledge exchange. Sponsoring entities demonstrated support for an experience that IEEE members, of all membership grades, will talk about for years ahead. The Evolution conference theme provided an excellent opportunity for the conference attendees to develop a deeper understanding of the sponsoring organization’s products and services.

“IEEE Life Members are an underutilized resource in the IEEE. The Life Members Conference showed how Life Members can continue to Contribute to IEEE’s mission and stay engaged with the latest technical developments.”

Tom Coughlin headshot.Tom Coughlin, President, IEEE

“The Conference Organizing Committee did a remarkable job. They identified the key areas of interest provided by our members and recruited speakers who shared their insights and experiences, playing a pivotal role in making the conference a resounding success. Importantly, the conference provided Life Members and attendees representing all IEEE member grades to expand their skills and value to other members, mentees, and to the industry.”

Who Attended

Region 1: 6%
Region 5: 31%
Region 9: 0%
Region 2: 4%
Region 6: 12%
Region 10: 4%
Region 3: 12%
Region 7: 1%
Guests: 14%
Region 4: 3%
Region 8: 2%
Non Members: 10%

Open to all interested technology enthusiasts, the first-ever IEEE Life Members Conference will focus on the evolution of technology, applications, and contributions. Network with industry-based luminaries and technical professionals, learn about emerging technologies, and appreciate the influence IEEE members have on the profession.

Conference Areas of Interest

From thought-provoking keynote speeches delivered by industry pioneers, topical sessions from knowledge leaders, engaging workshops, and panel discussions featuring experts from various fields—this event will have something for everyone. The 2024 IEEE Life Members Conference conference will be organized around three types of technological evolution:

  • Technology that creates product opportunities
  • Applications that impact the lives of seniors and the aging population
  • Contributions of IEEE members that are made by seniors and experienced professionals

Why Attend?

With experts from a wide range of technology fields and accomplished IEEE professionals, this conference will provide ample opportunities to:

  • Explore new ideas: Learn more about new and emerging technologies in selected IEEE fields of interest.
  • Boost your network: Meet IEEE Life Members and technical professionals from around the world and exchange views on shared challenges.
  • Acquire the latest industry knowledge: Meet the corporations and engineers responsible for creating new and innovative consumer products directed at aging populations and the Life Member audience.
  • Get to know IEEE better: Learn more about Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAG) and the Life Member Committee (LMC) operations and resources.
  • Have fun and travel: With a vibrant entertainment and arts scene, inspiring cuisine, and stunning outdoor experiences, Austin has something for everyone!


Rodney Brooks headshot.

Professor Rodney Brooks
Robust AI/iRobot

Karen Panetta headshot.

Karen Panetta
Tufts University

Mike Branch headshot.

Mike Branch

Vincent (WooPoung) Kim headshot.

Vincent Kim

Brittne Kakulla headshot.

Brittne Kakulla

John McDonald headshot.

John McDonald
Founder & CEO – JDM Associates, LLC

Kendra Cook headshot.

Kendra Cook
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Julie Shah headshot.

Dr. Julie Shah

Manuela Veloso headshot.

Manuela Veloso
JP Morgan Chase – AI Research